The Children's White House

Prayer Force One broke ground for The Children’s White House on the 230th anniversary of President George Washington laying the cornerstone of the White House in 1792.  The north and south elevations with their respective porticos are pictured left and right.  When completed, it will house a Red Room, a Blue Room and a Green Room, reflecting the three historic parlors of the actual White House.  The Children’s White House will be located on beautiful Shawnee Twin Lakes in central Oklahoma.  Visitors are welcome.  Become a Founding Member today!


The purpose of The Children’s White House is to enlist and teach our children to pray for God’s help in the healing of our nation.  As Franklin Graham recently said, “Only God can save our country now.”  This being true, what better thing can we possibly do than to call our churches, our children, their parents and grandparents to unite in humble prayer for America?

To this end, Prayer Force One is building The Children’s White House to serve as an iconic beacon of hope in the struggle to rescue our children’s future.

May God lead our people to pray, and may “we the people” respond in such a sincere and humble way that God will both hear and answer our prayers.

“In Jesus name, Amen!”


The Children’s White House is a Christian initiative that seeks to honor the founding faith of our forefathers.  Beyond being an iconic prayer chapel, The Children’s White House will also serve as a high-tech command training center to promote and coordinate prayer, by and for the children of our nation.

If you would like to help, you may request additional copies of this poster-pamphlet to share with your church, your family and your friends.

If you would like to support this ministry, you can either mail a check or use our online donation form.


“For our children’s sake, …Amen!”